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Thursday Pickleball (no registration) at 6:30pm


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October 27, 2019 Series: Lord, Teach Us To Pray: A Series on the Lord's Prayer (Ordinary Time / Fall 2019)

Topic: Prayer Scripture: Mark 6:30–44

In this day and age, food is so readily available that most of us take it for granted; this makes it difficult to pray "give us today our daily bread" with any real conviction.  But this petition of the Lord's prayer is about more than just food.  As the catechism puts it, we are to put our trust in the Lord--not in ourselves or in anyone or anything else--for our daily needs.

In this Scipture passage, the crowd was hungry for more than just food.  When the people heard that Jesus was in the area, they dropped everything to follow him.  They were hungry for Jesus, and Jesus fed them--their bodies and their souls.  Are we hungry for the presence of the Lord?

To see this sermon in the context of the larger entire worship service, please open this bulletin.

More in Lord, Teach Us To Pray: A Series on the Lord's Prayer (Ordinary Time / Fall 2019)

November 10, 2019


November 10, 2019

Deliver Us From Evil

November 3, 2019

Forgive Us Our Debts