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True Fasting

March 31, 2019 Series: Journey with Jesus (Lent 2019)

Scripture: Isaiah 58:1–12

When we think of fasting, we often think it involves not eating at all for a period of time in preparation for a major life decision, or giving up some foods as preparation for a celebration (e.g. giving up red meat for Lent).  

Most of us do not often fast in those ways.  However, many of us do live frugally, and use the money that we would otherwise spend on luxuries to help those in need and to help build God's kingdom.  We may not think of it as fasting, but it is fasting in the sense that Isaiah refers to in this passage.

To see this sermon in the context of the larger entire worship service, please open this bulletin.

More in Journey with Jesus (Lent 2019)

April 14, 2019

Worship and Prayer

April 7, 2019

Listening to Jesus

March 24, 2019

Trees, Grace, and Short Men