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Kingdoms Fall

November 24, 2019

Topic: Kingship Scripture: Psalm 46:1–11

Psalm 46 is a psalm of contrasts.  On the one hand, we have the turmoil and chaos of this world; on the other hand, we have the peace of the kingdom of God.  

The kingdom of God is a kingdom of peace, but it is not just some sort of ultra-tranquil lotus land.  Instead, the kingdom God brings peace by confronting and defeating the powers of this world, which are bent on violence, oppression, and destruction.  Even the mightiest armies of this world are no match for the power of God.

"Be still and know that I am God."  If there is one thing that this world does not tell us to do, it is to be still.  It urges us on to do more and more, to work harder, to grab more wealth, more prestige, more power for ourselves, regardless of the harm caused to others or to the earth.  The kingdom of God confronts and defeats this destructive attitude, as well; it calls us to trust God to provide for us, instead of relying on our own efforts.

To see this sermon in the context of the larger entire worship service, please open this bulletin.