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Thursday Pickleball (no registration) at 6:30pm


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God Knows

September 8, 2019

Scripture: Psalm 139:1–24

In this passage, we see two sides of David's life.  In the first part of the psalm, David poured forth joyous praise to God for his grace, his love, and his intimacy.  At the end of the psalm, David was filled with anger and despair, and he raged against his enemies and called on God to kill them.  The emotions expressed in the last part of the psalm seems shocking to us today.  However, they are emotions we all feel at some point in our lives, even if we've managed to suppress them to the point that we've convinced even ourselves that we don't feel them.  

David felt free to express these emotions before God, because (a) he knew that he could not hide these emotions from God, the one who created his inmost being, and (b) he knew that God could deal with such things, and that God still loved him in spite of them.  Just as for David, God knows us and loves us intimately.  God knows our guilt, our shame, our rage, our hatreds, our doubts, our despair--God knows everything about us, and in spite of it all, God loves us anyway.  

The last two verses of the psalm are a prayer--they an invitation to God to search the psalmist's soul, to reveal the darkness in his inmost being, and to transform him.  This is not an easy prayer for us to pray, but it is one we need to pray.

To see this sermon in the context of the larger entire worship service, please open this bulletin.