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Summer Camp Registration

Thursday Pickleball (no registration) at 6:30pm


Worship Services: Sundays at 10 am

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Wholehearted Praise

July 28, 2019

Topic: Judgement, Praise Scripture: Psalm 138:1–8

The words of Psalm 138 may seem commonplace and unremarkable to us today, but in the time they were written, they were shocking and subversive.  The psalmist challenged the powers of the world at that time, pointing out to them that God--the true King of the universe--will judge them harshly for their wickedness.  The psalmist's praise was also a protest against the injustices committed by the powerful at that time.

In this day and age, the powerful still commit acts of injustice, and God will still judge them harshly for their wickedness.  Psalm 138 is as relevant today as it was when it was first written.

To see this sermon in the context of the larger entire worship service, please open this bulletin.